Odgovorite na natečajna vprašanja in jih pošljite preko spodnjega obrazca. V zadnjih novicah JAF (št. 84) si oglejte spremni članek za odgovore na spodnja vprašanja.
V naslednjih člankih boste našli odgovore na spodnja vprašanja: "JAF History" (stran 10), "Future-Fit Logistics" (strani 22-23) in "Conversion" (stran 27).
15. junij 2023
Želimo vam veliko uspeha!
How to take part:
Answer the questions below and submit them with the form provided. In the latest JAF aktuell (no. 88) answers to the questions below can be found in the article on the right.
You will find the answers to the questions below in the following articles: “Focus” (pages 6-7), “JAF presents” (pages 18-19) and “Renovations” (pages 24-25).
Datum zaključka: 15. junij 2023. Gotovinsko izplačilo ni možno. Pravico do sodelovanja imajo le zaposleni v skupini JAF. S sodelovanjem v nagradni igri soglašam, da se moji osebni podatki, navedeni na prijavnici, zbirajo izključno za namene in le do žrebanja s strani JAF International Services GmbH.
Closing date: June 15, 2023. The decision of the jury is final. Legal recourse is excluded. No cash redemption possible. Only employees of the JAF Group are entitled to participate. By entering the competition, I consent to the processing of my personal data on this entry form by JAF International Services GmbH for the sole purpose of the prize draw and only until the competition is completed.